In order to attract generation Z (and millennials) to the JUKE platform
we choose to use well known social influencers that are popular
among this target group and make use of their existing fan base.
These social influencers will create their own radio show or podcast
that can be listened to weekly via JUKE. They will promote the
SHOUT OUT brand through the platforms on which their target group
is active.
The name 'SHOUT OUT' comes from Dutch slang (=street language),
which is used by generation Z to thank someone. The abbreviation
S/O that we use for the logo on socials is frequently used today.
We choose to use easy-to-copy assets so that the target group can
easily use and share our visuals.
We alternate 24/7 music with content capsules such as (live) radio
shows and podcasts. Generation Z is known for the fact that when
they want to listen to something, they can do so immediately.
So just offering a linear radio stream is not enough. SHOUT OUT will
therefore also offer on-demand radio in the form of short snacks.
In order to attract generation Z
(and millennials) to the
JUKE platform we choose to
use well known social
influencers that are popular
among this target group and
make use of their existing
fan base.
These social influencers will
create their own radio show
or podcast that can be listened
to weekly via JUKE. They will
promote the SHOUT OUT brand
through the platforms on which
their target group is active.
The name 'SHOUT OUT' comes
from Dutch slang
(=street language) which is
used by generation Z to
thank someone. The abbreviation
S/O that we use for the logo
on socials is frequently used
We choose to use easy-to-copy
assets so that the target group
can easily use and share our
We alternate 24/7 music with
content capsules such as
(live) radioshows and podcasts.
Generation Z is known for
the fact that when they want
to listen to something, they
can do so immediately.
So just offering a linear
radio stream is not enough.
SHOUT OUT will therefore
also offer on-demand radio
in the form of short snacks.